Preparation Required
- Routine radiographs/ X-rays do not require any preparation
- Rarely special preparation may be required if doctor gives specific instructions
- Please remove any metal, earrings, belts, accessories if possible
Ultra-low dose CT SCAN:
- Please remove any metal, earrings, belts, accessories if possible
- Continue to take any routine medications
- If you are Diabetic or have significant renal disease, will need a recent renal function test
Please let us know if:
- You are allergic to contrast, seafood or any other allergies
- You have any thyroid disease
- Have had prior studies done or
- Any surgeries
CT contrast studies (Brain, Chest, Abdomen, Angiogram, Neck, any contrast studies)
- 2- 3 hours of fasting
- Keep Hydrated
- Half a litre or water 30 minutes before and hold.
- CT NON-CONTRAST STUDIES (Head, sinuses, Spine, Screening Chest studies, Arthrogram, Limb, etc.):
- No preparation required
- May take your medications
- 8 hours of fasting
- Can drink Water
Injections / Advanced Pain Management:
- Empty bladder 1 hour before the scan.
- Drink 1 litre water 1 hour before the scan and hold the bladder till scan is done.
- Transvaginal (TV) scan may be required. Let the sonographer know if you do not want to do the transvaginal scan OR would like to have a Chaperone
- 4 hours of fasting
- Empty bladder 1 hour before the scan.
- Drink 1 litre water 1 hour before the scan and hold the bladder till scan is done
- Please allow 2-5 days rest after your injections/ procedures for optimal effect of the pain management injection
- Recent Prior Diagnostic imaging
- Accompanying person is always preferred particularly if you are having Nerve root, Epidural injection, Radiofrequency Ablation (RF ablation)
Please let us know if:
- Allergic to anything.
- Recent infection
- On Blood thinners
- Had previous injections that haven’t helped
- You are Diabetic
For Rhizotomy / RF ablation, please let us know if;
FNA/ Biopsies:
- Allergic to anything
- Pacemaker in situ.
- Spinal leads
- Prior spine surgery with instrumental fixation.
- Recent prior Diagnostic scan
- Accompanying person would be welcome
Please let us know if you
- Have any any allergies
- Are on Blood thinners
- Have had prior biopsies